Thursday, February 3, 2011

“C” Your Dream Diamond

“C” Your Dream Diamond

            Whether you are choosing an engagement as a surprise for you wife to be, or you are both selecting a ring together, there are essentially five simple factors to take into consideration when purchasing a ring.  Since this is one of the most important purchases you are going to make in your lifetime, it is imperative to do the research prior to making the purchase.  After all, this ring will be on your hand for the rest of your life, and it is also likely be an heirloom for future generations.  I have listed the most important factors to take into account when purchasing an engagement ring. 

Cost- Of course there is the age old tradition that a ring should cost approximately one or two paychecks of the purchaser.  Whether you choose to follow this standard or not, the other four factors depend on your budget.  In my opinion cost will vary for every couple.  I would rather have my ring bought at the best value for what it is. 

Carat- Do not confuse the size of the diamond for the amount of carat it has.  Carat only measures the weight of the diamond, not its actual size. 

Cut- The cut of the diamond is also sometimes confusing for customers.  The cut does not refer to the shape, but rather it is the style in which the diamond is crafted by the jeweler.  The cut is a major determining factor of the “sparkle” your ring will exude.  If a ring is cut too shallow or deep, it will not allow light to properly pass through it.  Once you know how to search for the cut, you can choose the shape such as a princess, marquise, round, oval, pear, etc. 

Clarity- This is the clearness of the diamond and can rage anywhere from “flawless” to “imperfect.”  Although almost every diamond will have its own imperfections, it is ideal to have your diamond as clear as possible. Clarity grading is determined on a 10 notch scale in which the flaws in a diamond range from only being detected by an expert under a microscope, to those that are detectable with the naked eye alone.  If you can see imperfections without using a microscope, put the ring back in the case. 

Color- Diamonds will range from white to yellow.  The whiter the diamond, the more valuable it is, simply because a white diamond will allow more light to pass through it, thus giving it that “sparkly” appearance.  A scale is also used to register the color of a diamond.  The scale ranges from D to Z and ranks the diamonds from colorless, near colorless, faint yellow, very light yellow, light yellow, fancy yellow. 

In fifty years, you are going to want to have your ring be as radiant as the day you bought it.  Never underestimate the importance of a grading report or a certificate from the jeweler.  When spending money on diamonds, it is worth it to spend the time doing the research. 

Gisele Chalhoub
Wedding & Event Coordinator
(858) 531-3181
PO Box 9825
San Diego, CA 92169


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